After about ten minutes and without provocation, Sem stabbed another student, freshman Levi Butler, four times in the chest, killing him. Wysong followed Sem to the dining hall and watched while Sem interacted with other students, but did not take him back into custody. Left unattended, Sem took a paring knife from Wysong's kitchen and went to the university's dining hall. Sem didn't appear dangerous or agitated and was taken by Joel Wysong, the school's dean of men, to his on-campus apartment until he could take a flight home the next morning. University officials consulted a psychologist and decided that Sem would have to leave the university, but didn't report the incident to police. Told by university staff that he did not require medical attention, the injured student drove himself to the hospital where he received seven stitches.
Jonathan Sherr - actor star of My Darling is a Foreigner, Love in Tokyo, and the web series English Teachers.On March 1, 2004, Shuvender Sem, who had been enrolled at the university for less than two months, stabbed another student in the face with a pen during a class called Teaching for Enlightenment. Zachary Sluser - director/filmmaker of short films and music videos featured worldwide. Jonathan Jarvis - Co-Founder & CEO at Token. Wells Butler - co-founder of Ice Cream Castles (children's contemporary clothing). Jennie Rothenberg Gritz - Senior Editor of Smithsonian Magazine. Ari Berman - Author of Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America and Herding Donkeys. Heather Hartnett - CEO, Founding Partner: Human Ventures. Sample of notable school alumni/alumnae:. Maharishi School accreditations: Small Boarding School Association Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS).
Day program preschool through 12th grade. 18 National Merit Scholars and 34 National Merit Semi-Finalists during our 30-year history. Classes consistently score in the top one percent on national standardized tests. The Iowa Department of Education has awarded grades 7-12 college preparatory status in recognition of the high percentage of graduates accepted at four-year colleges and universities. Accredited by Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS). 100% of graduates are admitted to accredited colleges and universities, including Princeton, Grinnell, University of Chicago, Rhode Island School of Art and Design, and Georgetown. Students are also encouraged to propose their own projects. Students can select pre-designed projects such as play production, rocketry, application prototyping, earth-to-table (ceramics and cooking), performing arts, entrepreneurship, sustainable fashion game show production, songwriting, music production, film production, and food blog.
Our school's Project-Based Learning allows for more time to pursue passions and build a portfolio by having a 70-minute project period 3 days a week. With an emphasis on depth of understanding, students gain critical and creative thinking skills that set them apart from their peers. Students pursuing an Honors track are required to demonstrate scholarly initiative, problem-solving skills and the ability to delve into the fine details of their chosen topic. Honors courses can be offered upon request in each core subject (Science, Math, History, and English). The Honors program provides students with an opportunity to experience greater depth of study and cultivate a deeper level of thinking. AP/Honors Courses: We offer 8 AP courses. The benefits for students include reduction of stress and anxiety, increased intelligence, and enhanced creativity. The Transcendental Meditation program is a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced worldwide by people of all religions and cultures. All students start and end the day with meditation and yoga. Fairfield was selected by Smithsonian Magazine as one of the top 20 small towns to visit in the United States. We are located in a thriving town in southeast Iowa. Boarding students live in our on-campus dorm.
Our student body is comprised of students from all over the world, including China, India, Vietnam, Korea, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, and Switzerland. As a result 100% of our graduates accepted at accredited colleges and universities. Maharishi School's innovative programs expand students' alertness and learning capacity.